17 April 2008

A Little About Me.

I am a happy father of 4. My children are Reiley "Cheesy" Age 9, Maira "Princess" Age 7 1/2, Arami "Little Bit" Age 4 1/2, and Amira "Bitty Bit" Age 6 Months. I enjoy a wonderful marriage to my Better Half who I will call "S". We were married in early September 2006 for Time and All Eternity in the Seattle Washington Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I work for a local jurisdiction as a Building Inspector/Plans Examiner and enjoy my job very much.

I am the 2nd counselor in the Elders Quorum and the Bear Den Leader for the Wards Cub Scout Pack.

I like small cars..... Mainly Minis, as you will come to know. There are 2 of them. "Baldrick" is a 2002 MINI Cooper. He's from Canada, mild mannered, and has been on many MINI adventures.

"Rowan" is a 1971 Mini Clubman Saloon with a Metro Turbo Lump and a serious attitude. He's tempramental, he likes to show off, and being from England requires you to sit on the right side of him.

Hmmm.... Why are people always telling me that I am driving on the wrong side of the car.

1 comment:

V. Murray Shockley said...

I just LOVE your mini's! Oh, I await the day when I can have one to call my own! Casey said we've got to pay the house off before we can get me the mini....that might be awhile! ;)
Miss you, Dave!!